တႃႇဢဝ်ၶူတ်ႉၶႅပ်းႁၢင်ႈလႄႈ တူဝ်လိၵ်ႈလႅၼ်ႈၼိူဝ် ဝႅပ်ႉသၢႆႉႁဝ်း

ၶူတ်ႉၶႅပ်းႁၢင်ႈလႄႈ တူဝ်လိၵ်ႈလႅၼ်ႈၼိူဝ်ဝႅပ်ႉသၢႆႉလႄႈ ႁၢင်ႈတူင်ႉ တႃႇသႂ်ႇၼႂ်းဝႅပ်ႉသၢႆႉ (မၢႆတွင်း- ဢၼ်လႆႈလဵပ်ႈႁဵၼ်းမႃး ၸိူဝ်းတႂ်ႈၼႆႉတႄႉ ပဵၼ်ပိူင်တႅၵ်ႈမၼ်းၵူၺ်း တူၺ်းတူၺ်းၶူတ်ႉမၼ်းသေ ၼင်ႇလႆႈၸႂ်ၼၼ်ႉ ႁဵတ်းၸၢမ်းတူၺ်းလႆႈယူႇ)          သႂ်ႇၶႅပ်းႁၢင်ႈ လႆၵႂႃႇၽၢႆႇသၢႆႉ သႂ်ႇၶႅပ်းႁၢင်ႈ လႆၵႂႃႇၽၢႆႇၶႂႃ BASIC Marquee Change text between marquee tags Change text between marquee tags Marquee BEHAVIOR Slide marquee behavior Slide marquee behavior (To see it in action - Refresh the page again) Alternate marquee behavior Alternate marquee behavior Marquee DIRECTION Right marquee direction Right marquee direction Up marquee direction Up marquee direction Down marquee direction Down marquee direction Marquee LOOP • Number of times marquee wiil scroll (loop) This marquee is set to scroll (to loop) 3 times This marquee is set to scroll (loop) 3 times Another example: This marquee will loop 5 times Another example: This marquee will loop 5 times Marquee SCROLLAMOUNT • Smaller SCROLLAMOUNT value scrolls marquee slower SCROLLAMOUNT marquee equals 10 SCROLLAMOUNT marquee equals 10 Another example: SCROLLAMOUNT marquee equals 20 Another example: SCROLLAMOUNT marquee equals 20 Marquee SCROLLDELAY • Smaller SCROLLDELAY value scrolls marquee faster SCROLLDELAY marquee. 250 = ¼ sec SCROLLDELAY marquee. 250 = ¼ sec Another example: SCROLLDELAY marquee 500 = ½ sec Another example: SCROLLDELAY marquee 500 = ½ sec Miscellaneous HTML Marquee Tags Changing bgcolor value changes marquee background color Changing bgcolor value changes marquee background color Reoccuring Marquee Reoccuring Marquee <<<Opposite Direction Marquees>>> <<<<>>>> ZigZag Marquee ZigZag Marquee
တႃႇဢဝ်ၶူတ်ႉၶႅပ်းႁၢင်ႈလႄႈ တူဝ်လိၵ်ႈလႅၼ်ႈၼိူဝ် ဝႅပ်ႉသၢႆႉႁဝ်း တႃႇဢဝ်ၶူတ်ႉၶႅပ်းႁၢင်ႈလႄႈ တူဝ်လိၵ်ႈလႅၼ်ႈၼိူဝ် ဝႅပ်ႉသၢႆႉႁဝ်း Reviewed by Unknown on 8/23/2017 10:38:00 AM Rating: 5

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ၸွမ်းၼင်ႇႁူႉႁၼ်ယိုၼ်းထိုင်လႆႈၼၼ်ႉသေလႆႈမႃးၽၢၵ်ႇတွၼ်ႈတၢင်းႁူႉၵဵဝ်ႇလူၺ်ႈပၢႆးၸၢၵ်ႈ IT ၼႆႉသေ ယုမ်ႇယမ်ဝႃႈတေပဵၼ်တၢင်းၵမ်ႉထႅမ်တႃႇၸိူဝ်းၽူႈသူင်ၸႂ်ၶွမ်းႁဝ်းၶဝ်ယူႇလႄႈ သင်ဝႃႈႁၼ်တီႈယူပ်ႈယွမ်းၽိတ်းပိူင်ႈ လူဝ်ႇၽိူမ်ႉထႅမ်ၸိူင်ႉႁိုဝ်ၼႆၵေႃႈ ၶႅၼ်းတေႃႈပၼ်တၢင်းႁၼ်ထိုင်တီႈၼႂ်လွင်းတႂ်ႈၼႆႉလႆႈယူႇသေငိၼ်းလီႁပ်ႉတွၼ်ႈယူႇဢေႃႈ။ As much as I can and sharing some knowledge of IT and I belief that would be useful for who are intersting in computer. If has some wrong view or should add more experience, please comment at button.Thank you.
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